Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 4, 2011 Shawn Swearing in at Hill AirForce Base

Major Brostek administering Shawn's oath to the country.

Shawn with Major Brostek and SSGT Isacson, his recruiter.

Shawn signing six years of his life over to the AirForce! :)

Standing with my amazing Airman!

Shawn and I on the base just after he was sworn in.

It's official, Congrats Airman First Class Shawn Carter.

Shawn and his Recruiter SSGT Isacson

Airman First Class Shawn Carter

All of us on the base after Shawn's swearing in.

With Kenny!

Shawn was sworn in at the Hill Air Force Base up in Layton,UT on June 4, 2011. We were able to get a tour of the base by SSGT Isacson. Im glad that we were able to go up there for his swearing in so we could see where we will be living for 6 months. He worked so very hard getting Shawn into the AirForce. Thank you SSGT Isacson for making Shawn's dream of being in the military come true. Shawn will be an MP (military police) and is now part of the 419 SFS (Special Forces Squadron) and the 419 Fighter Wing. He will be leaving for Boot Camp and Tech School after the baby is born in December.  Shawn, I love you with all my heart and I am soooooo proud of you and to be your wife. You are so amazing in every way. You are so incredible and have done so much for our family. You are my whole life and I am so proud of you. You are going to be an amazing Airman and I could have never asked for a better husband. Thank you for all that you do. Congrats to you honey and all your amazing accomplishments. You are officially an AIRMAN!! I love you babe. I LOVE MY AIRMAN!!! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Slippin Slide Fun and my Sister!!

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa LeFevre, They gave this slippin slide to Harlie for her birthday. We decided to set it up and let the kids play on it. The kids freaking loved it. It was so much fun that my sister and I couldn't resist and decided to get in on the fun. It was a fun time! Im so glad my sister decided to come visit. We are having an awesome time! It was a awy fun time! Wished Shawn didn't have to work but we will get him on it next time for sure! :)

Kids, Kids and more Kids! Oh...Maybe Shawn and I in there somewhere!

Random pictures...We were just having a family night and were taking pictures. All the kids got a new toy and so they were all playing with them. Shawn also got a new peice to put on his shot gun and I got a new porch swing that Shawn put together for me. We will have to take pictures of it. I totally forgot to but it sure is nice and comfy!! Well, hope you enjoy the craziness of are family for whoever still reads this blog! :)