Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Harlie gets more presents from Grandma and Grandpa Carter and Uncle Kenny

Grandma and Grandpa Carter and Uncle Kenny came to visit Harlie and to bring her gifts for her broken arm. She was very excited to see them and was very excited about all her gifts. She is a very lucky girl. She has made out like a bandit with all her gifts and treats she has gotten for her hurt arm. She is definately milkin this one for all its worth. She is super cute and being a trooper and you can't even tell she is hurt by how she acts. She is doing good, and tomorrow she will be getting her hard cast on and it's going to be purple. She is super excited and can't wait for everyone to sign it. We all love you very much Harlie. Thanks for my gifts, says Harlie to her Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Kenny!! She really likes all her fun treats you got her.

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