Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby #3 has no name....But it's a GIRL!!

Well this was certainly a BIG suprise...Shawn and I were not expecting this! We thought for sure we were having a boy and when the tech told us it was a girl, Shawn's reaction was...."What a girl........are you sure, check again!" Hahahaha. Not that we don't want a girl, we were happy with whatever but we really wanted the last baby to be a boy. But, everything looks really good and we have so far a healthy baby girl and we are SUPER excited about it. Now we just have to figure out a name. Time to pull out the old name books again and start searching! Hopefully we will find something soon so this baby is not nameless. :) Well everyone, there you have it........It's a GIRL!! Yay! :)

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