Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Cast Is Off....

Harlie was not too sure whether she wanted to get her cast off, so she has a very confused look on her face....

She is starting to get more excited about getting her cast off, because I told her she could go swimming when she got it taken off....

Now she is excited...She is ready to get it off...

After they used the saw to cut the cast they stuck that tool in between the cut cast and used that to open up the cast. Harlie was watching very carefully....

And it's opening....and opening.....

Oh wait...He needs to cut a little more...

He's got it opened and taking it off....Look at Harlies little arm...

The poor girls arm was so dry and flaking dead skin...and it smelled horrible!!

And there they are, the pins that were holding her elbow together...It looks so crazy!!

The pins are out....Ew, it is kinda gross, so sorry! But I just need to make sure I have this documented so that I have it scrapbooked somewhere for Harlie to see.

I tried to get Harlie to smile and have one last picture with her cast and she was not having it...This is the best I could get! She was so brave when they took out the pins. It looked like it was painful so it was probably painful. Im just glad its over...

Harlies arm after her first bath...Her arm was really gross...Smelled and the skin was just falling off everywhere and it just looked really bad. You can't tell but her arm is cleaned and smells like Lavendar and it smelled so good...She did good!

Harlie is so funny..Harlie got her cast off on Thursday, April 14th and its now Sunday the 17th...I know I know, I should really try and be better but at least I am posting this....Anyways, Harlie still thinks her arm is broken at times and I will try and have her straighten her arm out straight or have her bend it in all the way and she tells me, "No mommy, it is still broken, I can't move it. It is still an owy!!" She is really funny!! So hopefully soon she will be able to start using it more. She uses it and she doesn't even realize it..She will be playing with something or climbing something and she uses it. She use to write with her right hand and she wanted to color yesterday so I put the crayon in her right hand and she switched it to her left. So we will have to see if  it stays that way or if it will eventually move back to the right hand. But overall Harlie is well recovered and her arm is healed and the cast is off so YAY!!!! She did amazing through this whole process.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just a Quick UpDate on Harlie...

We took Harlie in today to see Dr. Zachary Leitze, Harlies Orthopedic Surgeon. The purpose of this visit was to check Harlies arm and get it X-Rayed to see if the pins and cast was holding her arm in the correct place so it could continue growing. He took a look at her x-rays and showed us that there had been quite a significant amount of new bone structure that has already grown back and healed correctly. So he told us that he was going to take Harlies pins out and take her cast off today.....Yay!!! :) We were so excited, then he asked if she plays hard and asked if she was falling alot when she plays. She does play hard and falls all the time, so to take a little percaution he suggested that we wait one more week. This is the greatest news. Dr. Leitze had antisipated that it would take Harlie 4-5 weeks to get her arm to where it was healed properly. So this is so great. Harlie has really been quite the tropper and her arm has healed so nicely and quuickly too. We are so proud of her. She has been so big and brave going through all of this and now it's almost over. We love you Harlie and we are glad that your arm is doing so good. You truely are our little Princess! :) 

The Frog...............

This thing was seriously so gross. So we were outside and the kids were playing around, and midnight was playing with something on the driveway and I thought it was a bird that he had caught and so as I was walking closer this thing starts to hop away....So what did I do...........................? I go inside and get a tubaware bowl with a lid and feel it up with water and caught it. I then put the frog on the back of the truck so I could call Shawn and tell him to come home and see this huge frog...and then..............the frog escapes and starts hopping around the bed of my truck and almost falls off the truck. I was able to get it back in the bowl and waited for shawn to come home. When he got home he was surprised at how big it was. He said it looked more like a toad. I think so too, cause this guy was huge. Anyways, we ended up letting him go and he ended up in are back yard and then off to I don't know where....But anyways, there is are frog story. The kids wanted to keep him as a pet and Harlie wanted me to kiss it, cause she just got done watching Princess in the Frog and said you kiss him mommy, kiss him. NO WAY!!!!!!! She was so funny! :) Anyways, froggy where ever you are PLEASE stay out of my yard cause you are huge and you scare me!!! Thanks! :)

Keegans 2nd Birthday

Keegan had a really great 2nd birthday party. We celebrated his birthday party in Cedar City with all his family. We had a big yummy delicious sunday dinner and then opened presents and then had an amazing soccer cake theat his Uncle Kenny made him. He was definately spoiled on his birthday. He got tons of stuff, as you can probably see in the pictures. He had an awesome birthday celebration on Sunday. Then on Monday is actual birthday, We took him to McDonalds for lunch and he wanted Chicken Nuggets and French Fries for his birthday lunch. He was super happy that day. Keegan opened more presents and had tons of fun playing at McDonalds on the play set. Then we took him to the store and let him pick out his very own present just for him that he would not have to share. He picked out this black Nijia guy off of GI JOE or somethings. He was really cool looking and Keegan loves it, He plays with it all day. So cute! Thank you Everyone for all the present that you gave Keegan. He loves all of them very much. He had an AWESOME birthday. Happy Birthday Keegan, we love you so very much. 
(p.s) Keegan had his 2nd year welfare check and he was super good. Dr. Cain says he is more advanced like a three to four year old then a 2 year old. He is very smart and talks so good. He is getting so big. We are so proud of you Keegan. Hugs and Kisses from Mommy, Daddy, and your Big Sister Harlie. Happy Birthday Big boy. We love you.