Monday, April 4, 2011

Just a Quick UpDate on Harlie...

We took Harlie in today to see Dr. Zachary Leitze, Harlies Orthopedic Surgeon. The purpose of this visit was to check Harlies arm and get it X-Rayed to see if the pins and cast was holding her arm in the correct place so it could continue growing. He took a look at her x-rays and showed us that there had been quite a significant amount of new bone structure that has already grown back and healed correctly. So he told us that he was going to take Harlies pins out and take her cast off today.....Yay!!! :) We were so excited, then he asked if she plays hard and asked if she was falling alot when she plays. She does play hard and falls all the time, so to take a little percaution he suggested that we wait one more week. This is the greatest news. Dr. Leitze had antisipated that it would take Harlie 4-5 weeks to get her arm to where it was healed properly. So this is so great. Harlie has really been quite the tropper and her arm has healed so nicely and quuickly too. We are so proud of her. She has been so big and brave going through all of this and now it's almost over. We love you Harlie and we are glad that your arm is doing so good. You truely are our little Princess! :) 

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