Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby #3....Shaylee Carter

Shaylee Carter close up in 3D... A beautiful Princess is on her way, so come help us celebrate this day, Your invited to a Baby Shower for Lindsey Carter, held at her house on October 22nd from 4-6pm. Come join us for some fun, games and food. Hope to see you all there!
That was my invite for my Baby Shower I just had over the weekend, I had an amazing turn out. Tons of family and friends came out and we had a great time. Thanks to all my family and great friends for all the amazing gifts. I love you all so much. Thanks to my sweet friend Margie Slack for putting on the party and decorating my house so super cute! You are AWESOME!!! I love everyone that came, you are all thee best EVER....I forgot to take sad about that, but who all came...My Mom(Sue LeFevre),Sister in law Leslie LeFevre, Mother in law(Emily Carter),Sister in law Meagan Carter, Grandma Gaye Carter, Margie Slack, Lona Cullison, Brooke Lewis, Jen Linton, Melissa Baldwin, Shandi Matik, Ronni Blair, Shirleen Heaton, and Amanda Warren....Got stuff from my friends Tori Carlson, Kenna Wild and Shaleese Nixon and family Aunt Jan,Jill and Kelly! It was a super fun day and I am so lucky to have such amazing family and friends! Loves to everyone! :)

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