Thursday, October 27, 2011

Harlie's School Halloween Party

Mrs. Bowen, Harlie's teacher..From left to right..Ryan-spiderman,Reese-fairy,Kennadi-witch,Frankie-platapus,Peyton-princess Ariel,Harlie-princess Aurora

Harlie and Keegan before Harlie's school party.

Beautiful Princess Harlie

Harlie posing....She loves getting her picture taken.

Princess Harlie ready for the party.

Harlie took her trick or treat bag for her back pack.

Harlie had a really fun Halloween Party at her school today. She was so excited, she had tons of fun. It was her turn to take treats this time, so she took juice, carrots and halloween cupcakes. She had so much fun. They took a school picture and then her teacher made them spider suckers. She looks so beautiful and so grown up. Love you my Princess Harlie Bug!

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