Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Seeing Jed......

My younger brother Jed and his boys, Nate and Nickoli

Jed and Nate just hanging out...

Jed and Nick just hanging out...

Rides with my daddy...


Harlie and Keegan playing with there cousin Nate at Nanas and Gramps...

My little nephew Nate Dog....

My little nephew Nick...

Jed came and was able to visit for a short time. It was really good to see him, I haven't seen him since last Christmas. So it was good to see him and his boys. They are getting so big. Jed is in the Marine Corp. and  will be deploying in Febuary 2012 for a year so it was definately good to see him before he leaves. Love ya Jed, it was good seeing you and the kids.

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